Welcome to Village Shore Estates Association of Bow, NH

We are a neighborhood located in Bow, NH. Village Shore Estates includes about 100 homes.

This site is for members only. Residents may use the links at the top right of this page to Register and Login.

Each address that is part of Village Shore Estates can establish ONE account.
Each account may have multiple members.

Prior to registering, reviewing these links is suggested:
How to Register
Account Types
Types of Members

You may also review the Privacy & Terms link at the bottom of this page. HOA Express is the service that VSEA has subscribed to that allows us to setup and manage this website with a user-friendly interface.

This site provides a means to communicate within our homeowner's association (VSEA). It is the intention of the VSEA Board of Directors that this site replaces the use of Nextdoor as our primary online community website. The Board chose this service over others such as Facebook and Nextdoor due to the better privacy policy, functionality specific to homeowner's associations, lack of advertisements, custom domain, pricing, long term sustainability, and level of control that we retain over the site.